WWD: How do you think New York differs from L.A. in terms of fashion?
Whitney Port: I think New York fashion is just a lot more sophisticated and a lot more forward-thinking. People are more willing to take chances here. People take more pride in what they wear and obviously they have to dress for the elements.
WWD: You've started with apparel, but do you ever see yourself venturing into accessories?
W.P.: I would love to but I don't know how talented I'd be at it. But eventually, I think that would be a cool option.
WWD: You're at People's Revolution five days a week, how do you have time to work on your line?
W.P.: Actually, I'm in and out of there. I have a design space in there and then I also have my apartment, which we just built a whole little section in to design in. I mean, I have to be out in the field. Kelly [Cutrone] told me, 'You know, this is your passion project, so you do whatever you have to do to get this done'. This is my first priority.
WWD: The other "Hills" veterans ventured into the design world with not as much success as they'd hoped. Heidi Montag developed a line that closed shortly after and Lauren Conrad decided to bring her line to Kohl's after not weathering well in the high-end market. Does that concern you at all?
W.P.: I put myself in a different sort of realm as them. Obviously, it's scary. I think it's really hard to break out right now since the fashion industry is struggling. I mean, people don't want to spend their money on clothes right now - it's a luxury. You're always worried about people not understanding your point of view, not being able to get it. But I think my biggest competition is myself.
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