So that 4-6 page paper was for my communication class, its an identity and performance class...
that being said with my 4-6 page paper i had to do a performance representing who am i and what makes me....
HATE public speaking, so of course i find it a problem and nauseating...with the help of my mom she thinks of the best idea for me to do, DRESS A MANNEQUIN; like i havnt done that before so she found it the best idea, shes like sam you love clothes and your comfortable speaking about it,
so i come up with the idea that every article of clothing is a different layer of skin that makes me the person that i am...
i woke up completely nervous and of course i was the last person to present so instead of being relieved i was even more nervous and anxious because i kept re thinking what i was going to say or do...
turned out it was a success, i was still nervous, but my personality really came out and i happened to crack a few jokes in there.
like usual i worry a whole bunch for nothing, i need to learn how to grow out of that, that being said im just glad i got it over with and done,
now on to a marketing test thurs and a huge journal article due friday, lovee midterms!!
well i hope you guys are having a great tuesday, mine so far as been a success i hope no one or nothing breaks that.