"I was very flattered when I was asked to go and speak at The State of the Union in Oxford and a bit intimidated I must confess. But I could not refuse it and took advantage of it to spend a day on “Memory Lane.” Indeed I had spent 2 years near Oxford when I was a teenager and had not gone since. I drove from London in the morning, dropped my clothes at the Randolph Hotel and went straight to look for my old Boarding School, Stroud Court. I found it, on the road to Eynsham, but it had now become an Iranian University, Azat University. I went into the common room where we used to listen to the Beatles and climbed the stairs to my old bedroom, which was now a classroom… such nostalgia! I then went to the Trout, a country pub I used to go to, had a delicious lunch followed by a long walk along the river Thames.
The library where I gave my talk was so beautiful and the crowd of young students so enthusiastic, that I could have stayed there for ever…. Lucky are the students who study there"!!!